La salopette cerata CST500 di Zhik offre protezione e prestazioni per le gare costiere e crociere, con tessuto Aroshell® leggero e traspirante e rinforzi resistenti Zithane® su ginocchia e seduta. La costruzione a cuciture completamente sigillate assicura impermeabilità e durabilità.
The CST500 combines innovative 3-layer Aroshell® fabric, known for its lightweight and breathability, with durable Zithane® reinforcements for demanding conditions. Ideal for coastal racing and cruising, it ensures water resistance, comfort, and mobility, featuring articulated panels, PU leg seals, and YKK® zippers for easy access and security. Developed with Team Akzonobel, the CST500 maintains strength and flexibility while minimizing weight, thanks to Zithane® technology, making it perfect for high-performance sailing.