Archetto Ilca In Dynema Impiombato 4mm x 3,5mt Grigio

Archetto Ilca In Dynema Impiombato 4mm x 3,5mt Grigio

Grillo Tessile in Dyneema Lunghezza 14mm

Grillo Tessile in Dyneema Lunghezza 14mm

Kit Paranco Cinghia Puntapiedi Ilca Pro

Kit Paranco Cinghia Puntapiedi Ilca Pro

Availability: In stock

Kit Paranco Cinghia Puntapiedi Ilca Pro

The Ilca Pro Strap Hoist Kit is great because it makes the strap much stiffer than the classic version of the hoist you put on.

it is very easy to fit and, above all, it gives a definite boost on the race course